Scene Clean Is your Minneapolis/St. Paul provider for stolen car recovery cleanup. Statistics show that every 6.5 minutes a car is stolen in the US. In 2020 that number has skyrocketed. Often times when the car is recovered by the police there are hidden dangers...
How much does it cost to cleanup blood or biohazards? Its the typically the first thing most people want to know when they call and ask for help with out company. Its a great questions and one that is not a straight forward answer. Many factors are involved when...
COVID-19 Coronavirus Information On Disinfection Processes and Infectious Disease As of December 2020 we are no longer accepting new clients for Covid cleaning services. “Cleaning” vs. “Disinfecting” vs. “Sanitizing” Cleaning removes germs, dirt, and...
Death cleaning in Minnesota Scene Clean, Inc. Crime scene cleanup is proud of the work we do to restore order to your home and life when an unexpected death occurs. Even if your loved one has been a victim to a long illness, it’s still hard to deal with their passing...
What I have learned doing death clean-up There are not as many things as I would’ve thought, that have changed or informed my ways of thinking about death. The things I have learned though, are pretty important. My husband and I run a bio-hazard remediation company in...
If you are reading this chances are you may be faced in dealing with a tragic situation and in need of help. A lot of this applies specifically to Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota but the general tips are good for any area of the country. Since Scene Clean has opened...