In the aftermath of a suicide, the emotional toll on families and loved ones can be overwhelming. Amidst the chaos and grief, the need for privacy and confidentiality becomes increasingly vital. At Scene Clean, we recognize the significance of privacy in suicide...
When faced with the aftermath of a tragic event like suicide, the need for prompt and thorough cleanup is undeniable. At Scene Clean, we prioritize responding to suicide cleanup calls within a couple of hours to ensure timely assistance and support for our clients....
How To Clean Up a Crime Scene 5 years ago a popular local YouTube channel, How To Make Everything, stopped by to gain a little insight into how we clean up crime scenes. If you have not had a moment to go to this YouTube Channel head on over and check it out. Andy is...
When faced with the distressing situation of discovering an unattended death, it’s crucial to know the appropriate steps to ensure safety and minimize further contamination. In this blog post, we will guide you through the necessary actions to take when faced...
How much does it cost to cleanup blood or biohazards? Its the typically the first thing most people want to know when they call and ask for help with out company. Its a great questions and one that is not a straight forward answer. Many factors are involved when...